Tailored Banking and Business Solution

Aitlink in association with her partners, explored the following Tailored, Banking and Microfinance solutions.
Payment solutions are electronic equipment and software that process payments for small and local businesses. Different types of payment solutions include point-of-sale (cash registers), and online or mobile payment systems. Customers might pay online, in perso , by phone, and by cash, credit, or bank transfer. Your business might need one solution or a combination of several
options. In association with partners we provide.
Point-of-sale (POS) solutions, We have a full range of all in one touch POS terminals and cash drawers. Our POS products comes with preloaded windows 10 Installed and free POS Software for Restaurant , Supermarket, Retail and Wholesale stores.
E-ticketing Solution, Automate. Customize. Prioritize. Our ticketing software helps you accomplish everything you need to do to resolve the day-to-day IT tickets faster than ever.