EFD and VFD Solution

Your business might need to provide legal receipts for it to grow and create sense of trust. In association with partners we provide receipt platforms solutions
EFD, Get the best Electronic Fiscal Devices approved by TRA.
VFD, Virtual Fiscal Device is a new generation online cash register substitute of Electronic Fiscal Device designed for issuance of fiscal digital receipts by taxpayers for every sale through online and signed by the tax administrator server in real-time. In association with partners we provide
- VFD Web Portal, Record all your sales transactions and print receipts via VFD online portal using your account credentials. Contact us today for account setup and get started.
- VFD Mobile Application, Through VFD Mobile A plication taxpayers can record all their sales transactions and print receipts using their account credentials. Download VFD Tanzania Mobile Application today to get started.
- VFD API, Integrate your VFD account and make all your sales transactions and print receipts direct from your existing systems. Contact us today for account setup and more details.