

There is a huge dependency of technology on mining operations, hence the importance of frequent assessment and improvement through digital transformation to continuously keep on reducing the costs and increase productivity cannot be ignored.
Aitlink has been delivering different services ranging from solution design, implementation, to maintenance that cut from end-user to Data Center, to multiple clients in the Mining and Resources industry. For the outsourced services, the risk of retaining specialized skills within the customers to deliver such services is reduced through the application of centralized pooled skillset that is deployed to manage the services to these clients. The Total Costs of Ownership (TCO) of services especially those that involve the purchase and maintenance of the devices and infrastructures in these organizations has decreased and the economies of scale has proven to be beneficial to them. Long experience in multi-national clients with centralized delivery models enables Aitlink to offer the customer a better service experience.

What Aitlink can offer to the Mining Sector.

Data for Decision Making
Data is key to any business and mining is not different. Aitlink through Information technology can help mining companies establish operational risks and streamline operations. It is because of the importance of data that we see the mining sector worldwide revolutionizing how the data is collected and analyzed. With the assistance of the Internet of Things and advanced software, virtually every device in a modern-day mine should be “smart”. With this data, management can take quick, decisive action to increase efficiency, enhance safety and improve the operation’s sustainability.

IT Solutions and Services
Aitlink  offering IT solutions and services to mining companies, the services range from end-user to Data Center infrastructure leasing and support.

Our company has got a pool of well trained, certified resources with a long experienced in serving the mining sites and related infrastructure.

The company has got partnerships with most of the biggest technology manufacturers that we work together in making sure we provide the business-fit solutions at cost-effective rates.

Having our own trained people, serves us from having the trouble of over dependency on the manufacturers on support and maintenance of the infrastructures post implementation which in turn reduce the service charges to our customers.

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