Education Sector

Understanding the value education brings towards generations and generations of the future, Aitlink has taken keen to play a role in delivering solution that would add value to the education sector, country at large but also the relationship in which a parent and child can have using technology.

Using Aitlink long time acquired experience and knowledge on delivering IT solution has engaged in partnership which have allowed development of school management solutions that are beneficial to all parties involved in the education value chain, a solution that meets all school management needs and providing adequate visibility to parents in terms of their children progress and performance.

The solutions that Aitlink have engaged on, also allows for payments from multiple channels that is Banks and Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) and all being collected through a single account making it easy to track all transaction that are being made from parents through a single account.

The visibility that Parents have using their mobile application that they have access to 24/7/365 through the mobile smart phones gives them an edge in terms of following up child growth and when to intervene, it is our believe that through this visibility, child’s performance will improve and help shape the future generations to come within our country.


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